Hours: 8am - 5pm, Mon-Fri.
PO Box 479
Grottoes VA 24441-0479



Required materials

for the

 RCM DID Training

Program can be

ordered from

this webpage.



Audio MessagesPhoto GallerySmall GroupsWhat is Dissociative Identity Disorder?
For Prerequisite Materials Orders

Level I: Non-Ritual Abuse


NOTE: If you plan to attend at least Units 1-4 of the RDT Program, you should order
the entire Restoring the Shattered (RTS) training series rather than the separate modules for each unit.
As an alternative, you may order the RTS manual, which covers the entire series.
The manual also comes free if you order the entire series in either the DVD, CD, or MP3 format.

Restoring the Shattered Training Series: 4 Modules & 259-pg Manual
(24 CDs
$145 Add to Cart) (DVDs $175 Add to Cart) (MP3-CD $95 Add to Cart)

RTS Manual only (Updated August 2016) (book) $40 Add to Cart




Unit 1: Prerequisites

Overview of the DID Healing Process (video on website - Home Page) https://www.rcm-usa.org/index.html

RTS Module 1: "The Survivor's Journey"

   (7 CDs) - $35 Add to Cart

   (4 DVDs) - $40 Add to Cart


RTS Module 2: "Dynamics of DID"

   (4 CDs) - $20 Add to Cart

   (2 DVDs) - $25 Add to Cart


Exam for Modules 1 and 2
   (Exam) $15 Add to Cart


Multiple Identities (book) $20 Add to Cart


Emotional Synchronization in Communication (CD) $7.00 Add to Cart


Renunciation: "Satan’s Counterfeit Religious System"

(free download)




Unit 2: Prerequisites


"Healing Approaches for DID" (Link below video on Home Page) https://www.rcm-usa.org/index.html

Basic Survivors' School of Healing (Register online for next upcoming recorded basic school)
      ($150 alone) ($75 with Survivor) (Exam $15 Add to Cart)


Webinar: Addressing Shame and Identity Conflicts ($20 Add to Cart) ($10 Add to Cart Survivor)


RTS Module 3: "Primary Identity Approach to Healing DID"

      (5 CDs) - $25 Add to Cart

      (3 DVDs) - $40 Add to Cart


Primary Identity Approach Demonstrated (DVD $15 Add to Cart)


Renunciation: Prayer of Release for Roman Catholics and their Descendants





Unit 3: Prerequisites


Webinar: Spiritual Warfare I
     ($20 Add to Cart) ($10 Add to Cart Survivor) (Exam $15 Add to Cart)


Webinar: Generational Inheritances & Curses   

     ($30 Add to Cart) ($15 Add to Cart Survivor) (Exam $15 Add to Cart)


Prenatal Healing CD or DVD

      (CD) - $7.00 Add to Cart

      (DVD) - $15  Add to Cart

CD or DVD (available singly or in the "Restoring the Shattered" set: Module 4)


Anger, Hate & Forgiveness (CD) $7.00 Add to Cart


Why, God? (CD) $7.00 Add to Cart OR

The Cross & Human Suffering (CD) $7.00 Add to Cart


Connecting to the Mind of Christ (CD) $7.00 Add to Cart OR

God's Revelation in Scripture and Ministry (2-CDs) $12 Add to Cart


Renunciation: Prayer of Repentance for Kundalini/False Holy Spirit

Renunciation: Prayer of Release for Freemasons and their Descendants

Renunciation: Freemasonry/Kundalini Addendum

Renunciation: Yoga Renunciation (if applicable)

Renunciation: Acupuncture Renunciation (if applicable)




Level II: Ritual Abuse


Unit 4: Prerequisites


Online Resource: Luciferian Documentaries:



Documentary: Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies



Webinar: “Overview of Ritual Abuse Healing" (View and pass exam: live on July 13, recorded online afterwards)

“Diane Speaks to Cult-Loyal Identities” (free video on Home Page) https://www.rcm-usa.org/Identities-3.html

Webinar: “Healing the Human Dynamics of Ritual Abuse” (view and pass exam)
       https://www.rcm-usa.org/Online-Webinar-Training.html  ($40 Add to Cart) ($20 Add to Cart Survivor) (Exam $15 Add to Cart)

Webinar: “Ancestral Bondages” (view and pass exam)
       https://www.rcm-usa.org/Online-Webinar-Training.html  ($40 Add to Cart) ($20 Add to Cart Survivor) (Exam $15 Add to Cart)

Webinar: “Internal Alignment for DID and RA Healing”  (view)
       https://www.rcm-usa.org/Online-Webinar-Training.html   ($40 Add to Cart) ($20 Add to Cart Survivor)

Advanced Survivor’s School of Healing School - Part B: Ritual Abuse (offered twice per year)

RTS Manual (Updated August 2016) (book) $40 Add to Cart

History of Luciferianism (Exam $15 Add to Cart)

Ritual Abuse Dynamics (Exam $15 Add to Cart)

Renunciation: “Demigod I” (Sent to you upon acceptance.)




Unit 5: Prerequisites

Pseudo-Identities (CD) $7.00
(You may order this from Joy at 540-249-1027)


Dissociative Identity Disorder: Volume 1: Chapter 4 (Chapter 4 only) $4 Add to Cart


Dissociative Identity Disorder: Volume 1 (Book) $25.00 Add to Cart


Renunciation: "Angel of Light" free download




Unit 6: Prerequisites


Webinar: "Foundational Renunciations"

      (free video on Downloads webpage) https://www.rcm-usa.org/Online-Webinar-Foundational-2023.html

Webinar: Understanding Realms and Dimensions     

    ($40 Add to Cart) ($20 Add to Cart Survivor)


Webinar: Spiritual Warfare II) (view and pass exam)
    ($30 Add to Cart) ($15 Add to Cart Survivor)  (Exam $15 Add to Cart)

Renunciation: Breaking Ancestral Control I (Sent to you upon acceptance.)


Renunciation: Spirit Guide (Sent to you upon acceptance.)