Statement of Faith

RCM is a Christian-Based Ministry

No statement of faith is exhaustive or encompasses the whole of Scripture. Restoration in Christ Ministries is committed to the final authority of the Hebrew-Christian Scriptures as contained in the original text. We also believe that extant manuscripts are a close approximation of the original text. The following is not intended to be a complete statement of everything we believe but to cover the most important basics.

We understand that on some points there are differences of opinion, and our ministry desires to respect and work with Christians who have sincerely held differences on non-essential issues. We enjoy working with those who know and love God through a saving relationship with Jesus Christ from many different branches of Christianity. We are happy to answer questions about our specific doctrinal position but find that we are able to connect with the heart of a broad range of individuals and groups. With the Word of God as our foundation, we are careful not to force our beliefs on anyone but rather to work together to set the captives free from spiritual bondage resulting from a wide range of abuse issues.

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