Helpful Resources by Others

We cannot guarantee that the perspectives presented in these resources
are fully compatible with the healing approach taught by RCM.

Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You Front Cover Image by Jim Wilder

The Life Model: Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You

by James Friesen, E James Wilder, Anne Bierling, Rick Koepcke, and Maribeth Poole

Having witnessed the after-effects of horrific trauma and then seeing the power of God’s amazing restoration, the authors of The Life Model have had opportunity to learn the “big picture” of life. This book synthesizes these truths into an understandable model, providing practical guidance for ministering more effectively.

Live from the heart Jesus gave you. Be the person you were designed to be. How easily hearts are wounded! Wounded people cannot live from their hearts, because they get stuck in their hurt. Get unstuck and get your church unstuck. Your church will become more effective when the leaders and the wounded live from their hearts.

The Life Model is not just a theory—it is a model. The Life Model does not just talk about growing—it gives you practical steps on how to mature. The Life Model does not just promote recovery—it identifies specific ways to heal traumas. And lastly, The Life Model does not just offer casual reading–it challenges you to change and grow and be the person that God designed you to be.

The Complete Guide to Living with Men

The Complete Guide to Living with Men

by James Wilder

This is the best book on maturity for any person, male or female. It uses the same idealized model structure as the rest of The Life Model. The content is so compelling that person after person calls it “life changing.” This book has been translated into more languages than anything Wilder has written. The power of this maturity model moves people from widely different cultures.

The most controversial aspect of Living With Men continues to be developing a full group identity as part of maturity. The way a group identity is anchored in community makes a huge change in how we view elders. Most Christians use the word elder to refer to an office that has almost no connection to maturity. When we begin with the end in mind, we develop a view of elders that is beyond what most people expect. This should not be a surprise. When people have no goal they don’t get very far.

Share Immanual

Share Immanuel

by Dr. Jim Wilder and Chris M. Coursey

This 21-page, full color booklet is the simple and attractive way to share Immanuel healing with others. Share Immanuel is illustrated with flowers, thorns and personal examples that guide you through the three simple stages of an Immanuel healing experience. You learn the best way to prepare, interact with God for healing and then retrain how your mind thinks. Most prayer ministry training teaches only the interaction with God and little if any about the best ways to prepare. As far as we know, Share Immanuel is the only guide that includes how to retrain your mind to apply the healing to your life.

A Shattered Soul: My Life with Dissociative Identity Disorder

A Shattered Soul: My Life with
Dissociative Identity Disorder

by Eve N. Adams

Come with Eve as she travels through the 54 years of her life, a life of sadness and pain as well as great victory and joy. Clearly what the devil meant for evil, God turned into good. There is nothing quite like experience to make us doubt and reject God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There is nothing quite like experience to prove the truth of God’s word. Climbing the mountain of obstacles to reach the destination of faith is exhausting, frightening, maddening at times, and at the same time exhilarating, powerful, and joy producing. None of these things was possible in the author’s strength. Indeed her journey through hopelessness and helplessness drove her deeper and deeper into her loving Savior’s arms.

You may not be able to put this book down once you start it, but hang in there and you will feel the thrill of victory of Jesus over the devil in Eve’s life. Eve is a mother of three, grandmother of 3 (with two more on the way), wife of the same man for 34 years. She has an Associate’s degree in Marketing and a Bachelor of Business Administration, graduating Summa Cum Laude. She has devoted her life to her family and serving God.

Wanda Viola

His Healing Love (Music CDs)

by Wanda Viola

Perhaps you have a friend or relative who’s been through trauma. Maybe you’ve been there yourself. Or you may be a counselor, pastor, or prayer minister who is looking for resources for those who are deeply wounded. Wanda Viola wants you to feel comfortable and safe here. She wrote these songs in the midst of her healing from childhood abuse (after 35 years of burying the pain). Maybe you’ve always remembered one or more bad things that happened to you. Maybe your whole childhood feels like a train wreck. Or maybe you wonder if something bad may have happened because you’re having trouble making life work successfully for you or you struggle with addictions you can’t seem to conquer. Wanda’s songs offer warmth and comfort to the wounded.

If you want to know more about the songs, you’ll find the lyrics in the CD section. You can also find the chords and lead sheets. You can also play a selection of each song. You’ll be able to read the words and hear part of the song before you purchase it.

Untarnished book cover image by Kathy Ailles


by Kathy Ailles

Penny – a young girl growing up in rural Ontario, Canada, during the Depression. Troubled, hurting. Looking for peace and acceptance. Longing to escape from “The Great Dark Shadow.” Nellie – a young woman beginning a life on her own during the days of World War II. Searching for a new life away from her sad and traumatic childhood. Longing for adventure, love and freedom. Little do they know they can’t escape the secrets that hide in the darkness. The author takes some of her own childhood traumatic experiences, including her healing journey from a life with Dissociative Identity Disorder, and weaves them into the lives of Penny and Nellie, showing how Jesus offers redemption as He takes their broken lives and restores them to wholeness and freedom.

I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.
(Psalm 40:1)

The Altar of Grace Rebecca Tilley

The Altar of Grace

by Rebecca Tilley

The Altar of Grace is a collection of poems, stories, song lyrics, letters and journal writings I have created and collected over the years. These writings were either written by me or by those in whom God had inspired to write them for me. They are “treasures of hope, encouragement and blessing” for the wounded and grieving heart.

This book is designed to be a devotional for survivors of childhood trauma and for those who have suffered grief and loss. Each poem, letter, story or song lyrics are intended to bring healing and hope to those dealing with traumas.

When I decided to write this devotional it was important to me and those whom have walked beside me on this healing journey, that it was to be a book of hope, comfort, encouragement and healing to the hurting. My goal also is that this book would not focus primarily on the trauma, but on God’s healing and his solution for the wounded and fractured soul. It is my prayer that this devotional will be of tender encouragement, to help one to draw closer to Father God and carry away some truths that can be uplifting and liberating.


Other Ministry Resources

Inclusion in our list of possible ministry resources does not constitute a
recommendation or endorsement of the organization/agency or their material.

Acacia Ministries – Sandra Skinner-Young

Elijah House – John and Paula Sandford (Founders)

Hope for the Heart – June Hunt

International Society of Deliverance Ministries
(all members do not necessarily understand dissociative issues)

Jubilee Resources – Selwyn and Anne Stevens (New Zealand)
Anathemas of Trent Renunciation
Freemasonry Renunciation

Karl D. Lehman, M.D. and Charlotte E.T. Lehman, M.Div.

Restoring the Foundations – Lee & Cindi Whitman

The Life Model – Dr. E. James Wilder and Shepherd House