RCM Vision

Restoration in Christ Ministries is organized to:
- Provide educational materials, support, and training for pastors, churches, prayer ministers, and therapists on understanding and treating individuals with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), including that caused by ritual abuse;
- Inspire, educate, and empower survivors of severe abuse to achieve healing;
- Provide a forum for Christian therapists and prayer ministers working in the DID field to exchange, discuss, and evaluate new ideas, insights, and treatment approaches from a Scriptural perspective.
RCM Mission
“He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted
(shattered in heart or mind),
to proclaim freedom for the captives
and release for the prisoners.”
Isaiah 61:1
Restoration in Christ Ministries is devoted to help bring healing
to those who have experienced the worst that Satan can do in order that,
by their healing, they might be a testimony to:
The Body of Christ:
We believe that, if accepted, their spiritual gifts and victorious experiences over the realm of darkness can be instructive and beneficial in bringing greater spiritual strength and maturity to the Body. Their transformed lives will also provide encouragement to other traumatized members to seek healing as well.
The Spiritual Realm:
We further believe that cosmic realm beings will be impacted through the victories achieved by survivors and the Church’s positive response to them (Ephesians 3:10; 1 Peter 1:12).
The World of Unbelievers:
We also believe that many currently outside Christian circles who see deeply wounded survivors healed through the Lord Jesus Christ will come to recognize the reality and power of God and be led to a saving knowledge of the Savior.
Our focus is positive, encouraging and challenging the Christian community on a national and international level to wake up and experience the power of the Living God by reaching out to bring hope, help, and encouragement to the most severely wounded.
To this end, Restoration in Christ Ministries provides educational resources on recovery from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), ritual abuse (RA), mind control, and demonization presented from the perspective of a Christian worldview.