
The Primary Identity Approach Simplified (2nd Edition)
by Diane W. Hawkins, M.A.
(August 4, 2015)

This DVD presents an abbreviated version of the Primary Identity Approach, which was developed by Tom and Diane Hawkins and is proving to be a much more efficient way to resolve the dissociative dynamics of DID than the traditional alter-centered approach. It is beneficial for counselors, survivors, or anyone interested in understanding the dynamics of DID and the basic dynamics of how to resolve the dissociative aspects of it. It is especially recommended for those who have never been exposed to this particular healing approach or who have been confused by its full-blown description in RCM’s other materials. In this simplified version Diane focuses on only the most important points, making it easier to understand, to remember, and to apply.

Available Format:

  • Single DVD Disc (2nd Edition) – $15.00
    SKU# DPS
  • MP4 Video Download (2nd Edition) – $10.00
    (The MP4 Video Download link will only be sent to you next business day)
    SKU# DPSd
  • Single DVD Disc + MP4 Video Download (2nd Edition) – $18.00
    SKU# DPSxd4