
Spiritual Warfare I Webinar
Presented live by Diane Hawkins on March 10, 2017

This 2.5-hour webinar covers the following subjects:

  • Demons vs. Cosmic Beings
  • Generational Inheritances
  • Ungodly Relationship Bonds
  • Free Will Bonds
  • The Role of Renunciations

Internship Prerequisite for RCM DID Training Program

This webinar is a prerequisite for attending Unit 3 of our RCM DID Training Program (RDT). Passing an exam on the webinar (information all given in Module 4) is required for those desiring certification.

Prerequisite for RCM DID Training Program

The webinar is also a prerequisite for Unit 6 of our RCM DID Training Program (RDT). Passing an exam on the webinar content is required for those desiring certification. Certification Exam is only for certified RDT intern applicants who have been accepted into the RDT program. The exam can be purchased here.

This recording will be available to watch at any time through the link you will receive, as often as needed, but it cannot be downloaded.

  • General Order: $20
  • Special Rate for Survivors of Childhood Abuse, if needed: $10

Order and payment questions: 540-249-1027
Other webinar information or questions: 540-249-9119